God has created us to be “a people who declare his praise,” (1 Peter 2:9) and here at Gateway we work together to do that the best way we can.
We recognise that worship is far more than the songs we sing when we meet together, and believe that God is looking for us to live lives that honour and worship him in everything we do.
When we meet together, on Sundays or in small groups during the week, we want to offer our very best to God, through music and song, prayers and readings. Through our worship, we can welcome the Jesus amongst us and experience a closeness with him, where he can speak to us and lead us on in our journey with him.
We actively encourage participation and engagement in worship whatever your age or however far you are on your faith journey. In recent months, we have been encouraged by seeing a greater freedom in worship as people express themselves in song, contribute prayers and share stories of what God is doing in their lives.
God is worthy of all our worship: “Let everything that has breath, praise the Lord!” (Psalm 150:6)